

ひとりひとりを大切に」をモットーに小学生、中学生、高校生の学習を約20年にわたってサポート しています。 


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テーマ  It's good for junior high school students to share housework.



 A:I think so too because to share housework makes our family happy. 


 B:I don't think so because  we have a lot of things to do like homework.


 A: I don't agree with you because it doesn't take much time to do simple housework.



   I show you some examples.


 To clean rooms is easy for us.


 Also it's easy for us to carry dishes.  


 It's hard to do housework alone.  


 So I think it's good for us to share housework.  








テーマ  It's good for junior high school students to have a hobby.



 A: I think so too because to have a hobby makes our mind rich.


 B: I don't think so because  we have a lot of things to do.


 A I don't agree with you because there are some good points.



    I show you some examples.


  First, we can make friends through a hobby. 


  Next, we can know a new world. 


  Finally, it'll be useful in the future.


  So I think it's important for us to have a hobby.









テーマ  It's good for children to play outside.



 A: I think so too because  using our body outside is good for our health.


 B: I don't think so because  it's not safe for us to play outside.


 A I don't agree with you because there are some good points.


          I show you some.


          First, we can learn a lot of things.


          For example we can learn the lives of living things are important.


   Also we can learn where the dangerous places are.


         Second, playing outside makes our body strong and our mind rich.


         So I think it's important for us to play outside.








テーマ Junior high school students should wear school uniforms.




 A: I think so too because  wearing school uniforms are traditional.


 B: I don't think so because  school uniforms aren't cool.


 A:  I don't agree with you because school uniforms have a lot of good points.


          I show you some.


 First, we feel we have to study when we wear them at school.


 Second, they are useful.


 For example, it's easy for other people to know that we are junior high school students.


Third, it doesn't take much time to wear them.


We are busy every morning, so they can help us.


So I think it's important for us to wear school uniforms.








テーマ The Internet is useful for junior high school students.



 A: I think so too because  the Internet is very convenient for us.


 B: I don't think so because  the Internet isn't safe.


 A I don't agree with you because it has a lot of good points.


          I show you some.


   First, we can easily get a lot of information we want to know.・・・・・①


   Second, we can watch news at anytime.・・・・・②


   Third, we can enjoy talking with our friends even when we are home.・・・③


   So I think the Internet is very useful.





    information 「情報」 はスペルの長い単語ですが、覚えておいて損はありません。








テーマ It's not good for junior high school students to read comic books.



 A: I think so too because  we have a lot of other things to do.


 B:   I don't think so because  comic books make us happy.


 A: I don't agree with you because everyone sometimes has free time.


     And there are some good points in comic books.


     First, reading them can refresh us after doing our homework.


     Second, some are useful.


     For example, there are many comic books about history, science, and kanji.


     They are very useful.


    So I think it's not bad for us to read comic books.








テーマ It's good for junior high school students to read books.



 A: I think so too because  reading books makes our mind rich.


 B: I don't think so because  reading books makes us tired.


 A:   I don't agree with you because it's easy for us to read them.


     And reading them has many good points.


           I'll show you some of them.

           Some of them are as follows. など


     First,we can learn a lot of ways of thinking.


     Second, we can master a lot of words.


    So I think it's important for us to read books.








テーマ It's important for junior high school students to do volunteer works.



 A: I think so too because doing volunteer works makes us happy.


 B I don't think so because we have a lot of other things to do.


 A I don't agree with you because it doesn't take much time.


         For example we can clean the street for ten minutes every morning.


   If we do so, many people will feel happy.


   We'll feel happy too.


   So I think it's necessary for us to do volunteer works.








テーマ It's necessary for junior high school students to eat breakfast everyday.



 A: I think so too because eating breakfast everyday makes us healthy.


 B: I don't think so because we have to get up early to eat breakfast.


 A: I don't agree with you because it doesn't take much time and we don't have to get

         up early to eat it.


   If we don't have it, we feel tired in the morning.


   We'll soon get hungry and it'll be hard for us to study.


   The breakfast gives us health.


   So I think it's important for us to eat it everyday.









 A: What did you do last Sunday?


 B:   I went to the stadium to watch a soccer game.


 A: Did you have a good time there?



 B:   Yes.


    Many people were there to watch it.


 A:   How did you go there?


 B: I went there by bus.


      It took about an hour from here to the stadium.


 A:   I wanted to go there.


 B: Next time, let's go there together.










 Mr.A: You're late for school today.


 ケン:  I'm sorry,I'm late.


      It's difficult for me to get up early in the morning.


 Mr.AYou go to bed so late every night,don't you?


 ケン:   Yes.


 Mr.A:  You have to go to bed early.


     And don't be late for school again.







 ALT: Will you tell me about this school?


 B:     OK.


       Our school is 50 years old.


       It was built about 25 years ago.


       We have about 200 students in our school.

               There are about 200 students in our school. など


     We have six classes a day.

     There are six classes a day.


     Our teachers are kind to us.


     We have a lot of school events.


     For example, we have a school trip in April, a sports day in September


               and a chorus contest in November.


               We enjoy our school life.


 ALT:   I see.  Thank you.








 ALT: What book are you reading now?


 B:       I'm reading a book written by Natsume Soseki.

               I'm reading a book which was written by Natsume Soseki.

               I'm reading a book Nastume soseki wrote. など


     Do you know him?


 ALT: No, I don't.


     Is he famous in Japan?

     Is he a famous writer in japan? など



 B:  Yes, he is.


       I think he's one of the most famous writers in Japan.


       I've ever read a lot of books he wrote.


               They are really nice.


       I want you to read them.


 ALT:   I'd llike to read some.









 A: I think that  it's important for us to study English everyday.


 B:   I agree with you.

           I think so too. など


    English is used in many countries.

            English is spoken in many countries. など


    I think English will be useful in the future.


           So I study it everyday.


 C: I don't agree with you.

     I don't think so. など


     First of all, we should study Japanese hard.


           It's important for us to master how to use Japanese.










 A: I hear you are good at playing soccer.

         I hear you can play soccer well. など


 B: Yes,I am.

           Yes,I can.など


 A: How long have you played it?


 B: For five years.

         I've played it for five years. など


   I practice it very hard everyday.


 A: Why do you practice it so hard?


 B: Because I want to be a pro soccer player like Miura Kazuyoshi.

         Because I'd like to be a pro soccer player like Miura Kazuyoshi.

         Because my dream is to be a pro soccer player like Miura Kazuyoshi. など


   Do you know him?


 A: Yes,I do.


    I think he's the most famous soccer player in Japan.


 B: I think so too.


    He's called Kazu.

    We call him Kazu. など










 A: You look happy.


   ① Why are you happy now?

         ② What makes you happy など


 B: ①に対して Because my father bought me a new bike as a birthday present.

         ②に対して My father bought a new bike for me as a birthday present.


   I like it very much.


 A: Can I use it someday?

           Can I ride it some time? など


 B: Yes,of course.

           Sure. など










 A: I went to Kyoto last month.


         And I took a lot of pictures.


 B: Which picture do you like the best?


 A: I like this picture the best.


 B: Oh, it's a very beautiful temple.

   What's the name of this temple?



 A: It's Kinkaku.


 B: Who built it?


 A: Ashikaga Yoshimitsu did. 









 A: What are you doing now?


 B:   We are playing shogi.


    Do you know shogi?


 A:    No.   I don't know how to play it.


    It looks difficult.


    But I want to learn it.


    Would you teach me how to play it?


 B:    Sure.


    It's not so difficult.









 A: Do you know how the weather will be tomorrow?


 B: Yes. It'll be cloudy and later sunny.


    What will you do tomorrow?


 A:  I'll go fishing with my father.


   Will you come with us?

         Why don't you come with us?  など


 B: Sorry, I can't.


    I have to do my homework.


    I haven't finished it  yet.

            I haven' t done my homework yet.

            I haven't finished doing my homework yet.など


    How about you?



 A:    I've already done it.


    I'm free now.


            Shall I help you with your homework?        



 B:   Yes,please.













 A: It's hot in this room.


    Can I open the window?


 B:    OK.


            Of course. など



 A: It's hot in this room.


    Can you open the window?

    Will you open the window?

            Could you open the window?

            Would you open the window?  など


 B:   OK.


            Of course.

            All right. など










 A: You speak Japanese very well.

           Your Japanese is so nice.  など


 B: Thank you.


    I studied it in Canada for three years.


 A:    Oh,did you?


    How did you study it?


 B:    I watched Japanese movies and listened to Japanese songs everyday.


    And I read a lot of comic books written in Japanese.


    They were very useful.











 Kenji:    What do you usually do in your free time?


 New ALT: I usually read books.


 Kenji:    What kind of books do you read?


 New ALTI read the books about Japanese history.


         I'm interested in it.


 Kenji:     Me too.  I like it very much.










 A:  Have you ever been to Japan?


 B:  No. This is my first visit to Japan.


 A:  How long will you stay in Japan?


 B:  I'll stay here for two weeks.

          For two weeks. など


 A:  Where would you like to visit in Japan?

    Where do you want to visit in Japan? など


 B:  I'd like to visit Hiroshima.

    I want to visit Hiroshima.









 A: This picture is so beautiful.


            Who took it?


 B:   My father did.


 A:  Where was it taken?

     Where did he take it?   など


 B:  It was taken in Hokkaido.

           He took it in Hokkaido.   など










 Kenji:    Welcome to Toyama.


      What do you want to do in Toyama?

                  What would you like to do in Toyama? など


 New ALT: I hear Mt.Tate is very beautiful.


      I want to go there.

                  I'd like to visit it.


 Kenji:   Oh, do you?

                 (Oh,would you?)


      I want you to eat "Buri".

                  I'd like you to eat "Buri".


 New ALT:   What's "Buri"?


 Keji:        It's one of the most popular fishes here.


      If you eat it, you"ll like it.


 New ALT:   I'll try it.









 A: Which is more difficult for you,math or English?


 B:   Math is.


            But I'm interested in it.



 A:   Shall we go to the movies?


 B:  I'm sorry,I can't.


            I have to do my homework.











 A: Are you free this afternoon?


 B:   Yes.


 A:   I got concert tickets.  


           Shall we go together? 


 B:   Yes,please.


          I hear it's difficult to get them.


          How did you get it?


 A:  My brother gave them to me.









 A: How long have you stayed in Japan?

           How long have you been in Japan? など


 B:   I've stayed in Japan for about a week.

           I've been in Japne for about a week.

           For about a week. など  ( in Japan は here でも可)


 A:    Have you eaten Japanese food yet?

            Have you had "washoku" yet? など


 B:  Yes,I have.


 A:  How did you like it?

             How was Japanese food? など


 B:  It was good. 

    I loved it. など










 A: I hear you visited America last year.


           How long did you stay there?


 B:   I stayed there for two weeks.


 A:   Was it your first visit to America?


 B:   No, it was my second visit.


 A:   Did you have a good time there?


 B:   Yes.









 A: How was your winter vacation?


 B:   I was busy  but I had a good time.


 A:   What did you do?


 B:   I went skiing.


 A:   Are you good at skiing?

            Can you ski well? など


 B:  Yes.













 A: Where should I visit in Japan?


 B: You should visit Kyoto.


 A: Why do you think so?


 B: Because there are a lot of nice temples to visit in Kyoto.

         Because Kyoto has many nice temples to visit. など


     If you go to Kyoto, you'll like it.








 A:  What will you do when you are a high school student?


 B:  I'll study English hard.


 A:  Why do you study it hard?


 B:  Because I want to be an English teacher.

          Because I'd like to be an English teacher.  など











 A: Do you know the girl reading a book over there?

         Do you know the girl who is reading a book overe there? など


 B:Yes.  I don't know her name. But she is called Maki.

                                                       But they call her Maki. など





 A: Do you know how long Ken has played soccer?


 B: Yes. He has played it for about three years.








 A:  What will you give your mother on her birthday?

          What will you give to your mother on her birthday? など


 B: I'll give her a new bag.

         I'll give a new bag to her. など



 A:  This is a nice pen. 

          It's a nice pen.

          This pen is so nice. など


    How did you get it?


 B: My father bought it for me.










 A: What do you like to do?


 B: I like to speak English.



 A: You look tired.


         What's wrong?

         What's wrong with you?

         What's the matter?

         What made you tired? など     


 B: I had to get up early in the morning to do my homework.








 A: What are you doing now?


 B: I'm watching TV now.




 A: It's important for us to study English everyday.

         To study English everyday is important for us.

         Studying English everyday is important for us. など


 B: I think so too.

   I agree with you. など 









 A: What is this flower called in Japanese?

         What do you call this flower in Japanese?など


 B: It's called sakura in Japanese.

         We call it sakura in Japanese. など



 A: I was sad to read this letter.

         This letter made me sad. など


 B: That's too bad.








 A: Where do you want to go in Japan?

         Where would you like to go in Japan? など


 B: I want to go to Kyoto.

         I'd like to go to Kyoto. など



 A: What language is spoken in Canada?


 B:  English and French are spoken there.

          English and French are. など









 A:  How long have you played soccer?


 B:  I've played it for three years.



 A: How many people are there in your family?

         How many members do you have in your family?  など


 B: I have five.








 A: How many times have you been to Tokyo?

         How often have you visited Tokyo? など


 B: I' ve been there twice.




 A: How do you like Toyama?

         What do you think about Toyama? など


 B: I think it's nice.

   I think it's a good place. など








 A:  How do you go to school?


 B: I go to school by bike.

         I go there by bike.

         By bike. など


   How about you?



 A: I go to school on foot.

         I go there on foot.

         I walk to school. など



 A: Have you ever been to Kyoto?

         Have you ever visited Kyoto? など


 B: Yes, I have.


 A: I've never been to Kyoto.

         I've never been there.



 B: There are a lot of nice temples in Kyoto.

          Kyoto has many nice temples.

          We have lots of good temples. など


    I like Ginkaku the best.


    It was built by Ashikaga Yoshimasa.








 A: Which do you like better, summer or winter?


 B:   I like summer better.


     I can swim in the sea.



 A:   What season do you like the best?


 B:   I like winter the best.


     I can enjoy skiing in the mountain.









 An official: Please show me your passport.


 Kenji:         OK. Here you are.


 An official: What will you do in America?

                       What's the purpose of your stay in America? など


 Kenji:    I'll go to ABC School to study English.


 An official: How long will you stay?


 Kenji:     For two weeks.

                       I'll stay in America for two weeks. など


 An official: Have a nice trip.


 Kenji:           Thank you.








 Ken: What are you doing now?


 Tom: I'm doing my homework now.


                I haven't done my homework yet.

                I haven't finished my homework yet.

                I haven't finished doing my homework yet. など


     Have you done your homework yet?

               Have you finished your homework yet?

               Have you finished doing your homework yet?

               How about you?  など


 Ken: Yes,I have. 

               Yes. I've finished it. など


                Shall I help you?

                Shall I help you with your homework?

                May I help you? など              


 Tom: Yes,please.









 A: What's your dream?

         What do you want to be in the future?

         What would you like to be in the future? など


 B: My dream is to be an English teacher.

         I want to be an English teacher.

         I'd like to be an English teacher. など


   I like English very much.


 A: How long have you studied it?


 B :  I've studied it for about three years.

         For about three years. など







① How do you like Toyama?

      What do you think about  Toyama? など


② How is the weather inToyama now?


③ How was the weather in Toyama yesterday?


④ How will the weather be in Toyama tomorrow?








 clerk:      How about this one?


 customer: It's a little small for me.


                       Will you show me another one?

         please show me larger one. など


 clerk:      Sure.  Here you are.


 customer: It looks nice.


             How much is this?


 clerk:     It's ten dollars.


 customer: OK. I'll take it.








 clerk:          May I help you?


 customer:   Yes. I'm looking for a T-shirt.


 clerk:            What color do you like?

                        What color do you want?


   customer:   I like a blue one.

                        I want a blue one.





※ 次の①~③入る英文を考えなさい。




 ケン: 「ケンですが、トムをお願いします。」


 トムの母:  「いるわ。      Hold on, please.

                                                Please wait a moment.

                                                Wait a minute, please.    など 「ちょっと待ってね。」


 トム: 「トムだけど、どうしたの。」


   ケン:   「今日の午後サッカーの試合を見に競技場に行くつもりだけど、


               Shall we go together if you are free?

       Will you come with me if you are free?

                 Why don't you come with me if you are free?  など



 トム: 「いいね。一緒に行こう。


      When and where shall we meet?

      What time and where shall we meet? など



   ケン:  「桜駅で1時に会おう。」


 トム:   「わかった。じゃあね。」


   ケン:   「じゃあね。」






 Ken: 「ケンですが、トムをお願いします。」


 Tom's mother:  「ごめんね、今いないの。」


 Ken:  「わかりました。」 May I leave a message?   (メッセージをお願いしてもいいですか)


 Tom's mother: 「いいですよ。」


 Ken: 「7時にぼくにかけなおすように頼んでください。」


   Tom's mother:  「わかったわ。」







 Ken:  ① This is Ken.

                    This is Ken speaking. など


      ② May I speak to Tom?

        I'd like to speak to Tom. など


 Tom's mother:  ③ I'm sorry, he is out now.

                                  Sorry, he isn't home now. など


     ④ Shall I take your message?


 Ken:   ⑤ Yes,please.


     ⑥ Could you ask him to call me back later?






 A: Change trains at Sakura Station.


 B: Which line should I take from there?


 A: Take the Tozai Line.


       I guess it'll take about thirty minutes.





 A: Would you tell me the way to the station?

          Could you tell me how to get to the station?

          How can I get to the station? など


 B: Go straight down this street and turn right at the second light.

         Go along this street and turn right at the second light. など


    You'll find it on your right.


 A: How long will it take?


 B: It'll take about ten minutes.
