*lick Vs. *suck
lick the lid of the can
suck the candy
The child was sucking his thumb.
insomnia 不眠症
schizophrenia 統合失調症
feasibility studies 実現可能性調査
*Thanks to the painkillers, my muscle pain abated.
=The painkillers helped ease the muscle pain.
The storm abated during the night.
scalpel メス
surgical stitch 外科用縫合糸
incision 切開
predatory instinct 捕食本能
accommodating 順応性
feisty 元気な
arrhythmia 不整脈
irregular heartbeat 不整脈
*like two peas in a pod (= almost the same = extremely similar)
*identical twins 一卵性双生児
It isn't easy for me to tell these two girls because they are identical twins. They are like two peas in a pod.
*It's just sour grapes.「ただの負け惜しみだよ」
*icing on the cake
=make the situation get better
This company is paying me a higher salary, and the icing on the cake is that I can work from home.
*be paid peanuts =get very low salary
*get paid peanuts
*pay peanuts
I get paid peanuts even though I often work overtime. I feel like the company is exploiting me.
*play gooseberry = third wheeler
to join a couple who wants to be alone
I don't like to play gooseberry because I don't want to ruin their good mood.
a person or thing that is so good or beautiful that it attracts a lot of attention
His wife was the cynosure of everyone at the party because she wore a gorgeous dress.
trinket 小間物
medical patch
fracture 骨折 ひび suffer(sustain) a fracture 骨折する
a simple fracture 単純骨折
a compound fracture 複雑骨折
bran ぬか もみ殻
brown rice 玄米
polish rice 白米
*bear the weight of the snow *雪の重さに耐える
*withstand the weight of the snow *雪の重さに耐える
*support the weight of the snow *雪の重さを支える
It has been snowing heavily.
The garage's roof may not be able to support the weight of the snow. We must remove as much snow as possible, or the roof might collapse.
*collapse=break down
Many bridges in that area collapsed in the earthquake.
fall in 崩れる
give way 崩れる
cave in 陥没する
explode 爆発する
implode 内部崩壊する
erupt 噴火する
*shift the blame (to~)
In the past, some manufacturers tried to shift the blame for heart disease to people eating too much fat.
*pass the buck (to~)
The incumbent president seems to be passing the buck to past presidents.
raffle ticket
I pinched him under the table.
discharge from hospital
be hospitalized with serious injuries
build a connection with sb
cut sb off
As-built drawings 竣工図面
forte 強味
accountancy 会計 経理
*The website loos fishy, so you should not trust anything.
*He is picky about tastes and textures of food.
*He seems to be a sloppy worker.
*I think I'm a slacker.
*The proposal is virtually identical to the one you made last week.
*The sisters wore identical dresses to the party.
*practical experience
nasty words
scapula 肩甲骨
bereaved family
aviation company
till = cultivate
ferocious crime
violent crime
I cut ties with him.
You can say that again. = Tell me about it. = That's right.
locust イナゴ
Locusts are edible and have been eaten for thousands of years in many countries. They are a good source of protein and other nutrients, and can be a delicacy in some regions.
*delicacy 珍味、ごちそう
cramp けいれん・腹部の激痛
Menstruation 月経
Menopause 閉経
menopausal disorder 更年期障害
Labor pains 陣痛
Cesarean section 帝王切開
Incision 切開
relapse 再発
recurrence 再発
Metastasis 転移
Bipolar disorder 双極性障害
maternity leave
parental leave
frown upon
frowned upon
*Kissing in public is frowned upon in this country. ひんしゅくを買う
*The boss expressed his disapproval with a frown. 渋い顔をして不賛成の意を示した
disgusted うんざりして、 愛想を尽くした
*Your manner would disgust anyone.
coed 男女共学の a coed school 共学校
crossdresser 女装
Adam's apple 喉ぼとけ
sex change
What are the types of disabilities?
Physical disabilities: These include visual impairments, hearing impairments, and orthopedic disabilities.
Mental disabilities: These include cognitive impairments.
Intellectual disabilities: These include impairments that affect intellectual functioning.
Children with special needs/a person with a disability
*blind=visual challenged
My son has a visual impairment.
My son is visually challenged.
My son is visually impaired.
*mute=speech disability/ none speaking
My son is nonspeaking.
My son is nonverbal.
My son has a speech disability.
*deaf=hard of hearing
My son is hard of hearing
My son has hearing loss.
My son has a speech disability.
※The words "blind," "deaf," and "mute" are considered to be negative, so we have to rephrase the neutral words.
Juvenile law 少年法
natural looks
*He's a two-faced person.
*He's a two-sided person.
crab mentality
<definition> Crab mentality is a term used to describe when people try to prevent others from succeeding, even if it doesn't affect them.
kiss ass = flatter
*pay(give) smb a compliment
= pay(give) a compliment to smb
pull one's leg からかう
break a leg
sciatic 坐骨神経痛
palm reader
the wrong way around 反対に・あべこべに
We need to tighten our belts because electricity bills are expected to rise this month.倹約する
We must be on our toes because electricity bills are expected to go up this month.
We must save money because electricity bills are expected to increase this month.
retrench 人員削減する・(国・企業が)節約する
retrenchment (国・企業の)経費節減
bank transfer
fur elise エリーゼのために
cockatiel オカメインコ → cocktail カクテル
I started intermittent fasting the day before yesterday. 断続的な断食
Muslims exempt small children and people with diseases from fasting during Ramadan.
mouthful ① 口いっぱい
② 発音しにくい
*The word ”individualism" is difficult for me to pronounce.
"Hamaya" is an arrow-shaped lucky charm for the New Year that we can purchase at temples or Shinto shrines.
"Hamaya" is said to ward off an evil spirit.
"Kumade" is one of the lucky charms we buy during the New Year Days.
It’s said that it can rake in good fortune in business.
He has a tendency to put people down.
freeze-thaw 凍結融解
The Gregorian calendar.
Call for prayers= Athan
Muslims pray 5 times a day.
Qibla is the direction towards which Muslims pray toward Mecca.
Muslims can only eat Halal food.
Haram is an Arabic word that means forbidden.
Halal food stores
A halal label is sometimes on food packages in Japan.
Muslims are forbidden to consume alcohol.
inheritance tax
augment = increase
*They are trying to augment their monthly income because it's increasingly difficult for them to make ends meet.
The taste of the dishes they served at the restaurant was a far cry from what we expected.
hypoglycemia 低血糖
equilibrium sense 平衡感覚
hearing aid 補聴器
lip reading 読唇術
winter solstice 冬至
summer solstice 夏至
spring equinox 春分
autumnal equinox 秋分
flea ノミ
lice シラミ
tick ダニ
lick 舐める
Cats sometimes lick their paws.
I sometimes drink tea to soothe my throat. (mitigate)
She was very hurt, so they tried to soothe her with kind words.
put ~ through
red spot
shingles 帯状発疹
hives 蕁麻疹
acupuncture 鍼灸
I'm a kind of forgiving person.
I'm a kind of lenient person.
I'm a kind of generous person.
The car's extremely low prices make it seem fishy.
electrocardiogram 心電図
hand crank radio 手回しラジオ(災害時等で電力供給がない場合でも自分で発電することで聴ける)
crank (機械・自転車の)クランク、(L字型の)ハンドル
*crank out 質の悪いものを量産する
abbreviate (v)
abbreviated (adj)
abbreviation (n)
*United Nations' is abbreviated to 'UN.'
'UK' is an abbreviation for 'United Kingdom.'
We went to Mitsui Outlet Mall Oyabe the other day to see my son's work on display. He looked stoked to win the gold prize.
He was born with two types of disabilities, but he's been struggling to overcome them. He seems to grow better than we thought. We're thankful for the miracle that he's alive now.
(Facebook 投稿より)
put on a good face
*When I'm in a bad mood, I always put on a good face and try to hide my emotions.
time limitation 時間制限
time constraint 時間制約
jack-of-all-traders 何でも屋,よろず屋、器用貧乏
*Jack of all traders, (and) master of none. 多芸は武芸、器用貧乏
weld sth (together, to) 溶接する
welding 溶接
welding machine 溶接機
welding rod 溶接棒
welder 溶接工
*'I like ice cream." "Ditto."
y'all 君ら(みんな)米国南部で使われる表現
inferiority complex 劣等意識
keep track of the information
raise children
grow plants
cardiologist 心臓専門医
I got stuck on the first question when I took the exam. So, I had a hard time calming myself down.
I sometimes get stuck for words during the online lesson.
I don't want to be stuck at home all day, especially when it is sunny in the fall.
Many cars sometimes get stuck in unexpected heavy snowfall.
Unexpected heavy snowfall often leaves many vehicles stranded.
*Water Supply and Sewage
*I think actions speak louder than words.
They saw many foreigners experiencing/enjoying the traditional houses.
It depends on my mood.
I try to figure out if they are in a good or bad mood.
I try to grasp what their mood is.
*get(obtain/receive) a permission
I got his permission to post the video on my website.
We have to get permission to enter that building.
No one can enter the room without permission.
evacuation center
loot 戦利品・盗品・(官吏などの)不正利得
looter 略奪者
looting 略奪(行為)
poultry 家禽(鶏・あひる・七面鳥など)・その肉
active volcano
dormant volcano
extinct volcano
volcanic activity
volcanic ash/rocks
lava 溶岩 ⇔ larva 幼虫
Mt. Ontake erupted unexpectedly in 2014, killing 63 casualties.
72) 高山病
You may suffer from altitude sickness when you get off the plane at Quito, Ecuador's capital, because its altitude is higher than the summit of Mt. Fuji. It would be best if you got used to it gradually.
71) 国外追放
The criminals were repatriated to their own countries.
The illegal immigrants were deported to their own countries.
Be careful not to go off the path.
We have a wide variety of protected wildflowers growing in our hometown.
We're disappointed by the election's outcome but willing to accept it.
It makes sense to leave earlier to beat the traffic.
I couldn't figure out what every tutor was talking about. Their words were gibberish to me. I didn't show any skills in my English at that time. That was how it all started: to keep on improving my English every day.
In my feeling, matcha pairs well with traditional Japanese sweets such as yokan.
In my opinion, matcha goes well with traditional Japanese sweets such as yokan.
vitiligo 白斑
Autoimmune disease 自己免疫疾患
Radio operator 無線従事者
suntan 日焼け(健康的)
sunburn 日焼け(ひりひりするくらいの)
*hand in one's letter of resignation 辞表を提出する
*Tender one's resignation
I'm nervous to tender my resignation.
I'm nervous about handing in my letter of resignation.
67)acid reflux 胃酸の逆流
heartburn 胸やけ
reflux esophagitis 逆流性食道炎
66)When we express something, it might be a good idea to care about the words we're going to use to avoid making someone feel disgusting.
*I had diarrhea. → I ate something bad. It didn't agree with my stomach.
*vomit → throw up
*puke (slang) →throw up
I feel like throwing up.
I'm in bad shape.
I'm under the weather.
sucking someone dry
cash in on
Tom ghosted me.
*ghosted = suddenly ending all communication and avoiding contact with another person without any apparent warning or explanation and ignoring any subsequent attempts to communicate.
I spaced out. (used in a situation related to illegal drugs)
selective memory
selective hearing
65) flammable materials 可燃性物質
non-flammable materials 不燃性物質
inhalation of smoke 煙の吸入
asthma 喘息
suffocation 窒息
suffocate 窒息する
smother 窒息させる
air-pollution 大気汚染
operating room 手術室
Asphyxiation (as-fik-see-ay-shen) is when your body doesn't get enough oxygen. Asphyxiation affects how you breathe. It may cause you to pass out (unconsciousness). It can also cause death. Other names for asphyxiation include asphyxia and suffocation.
64) It's better to be safe than sorry. 用心に越したことはない
63) There is something fishy about this deal. 胡散臭い
62) anorexia 拒食症
61) We apologize for the inconvenience.
I never imagined the situation in my wildest dreams. 夢にも~しない
60)cocktail sausages カクテルソーセージ
hypoglycemic 低血糖
Electrolyte beverages 電解質飲料
*Electrolyte beverages contain water, electrolytes—usually sodium and potassium—and sugar. The main purpose of an electrolyte drink is to help you rehydrate, so electrolyte beverages are mostly water. Varying amounts of sugar and electrolytes are added, depending on the purpose of the beverage.
Mercy killing = Euthanasia 安楽死 euthanize 安楽死させる
*Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a patient to limit the patient's suffering.
59) I'm in the living room, listening to music with my work.
I'm in the living room, listening to music as I work.
diction and enunciation 発音と発声
surrogate mother 代理母
egg of woman 女性の卵子
gene therapy 遺伝子治療
genetically modified food 遺伝子組み換え食品
dreary 陰鬱な
58)Would you care to join me for lunch?
57)Japan has had a lot of companies that have been short-staffed recently. 人で不足
The laptop you’re using right now belongs to the facility. So, you have to keep in mind that you use it so carefully. ~のもの
Can you find someone to cover your shift when you take paid leave?
シフトを代わってくれる・有給休暇 → maternity leave 産休
56)trial class 体験授業
slur ことばなどを不明瞭に言う・中傷(slander)
blur 視界などをぼんやりさせる 目などがかすむ 相違などが不明瞭になる
Her eyes blurred with tears. 目がウルウルでかすむ
blurry ぼやけた
55)Folding laundry is definitely a pain in the neck. めんどい(めんどうくさい)うんざり
My pet peeve is getting in heavy traffic to wait for a long time. 大嫌いなこと、しゃくの種
54)Thoracic outlet syndrome 胸郭出口症候群
numbness しびれ
fractured coccyx 尾骨骨折
Scoliosis 側弯症
Torn ACL 前十字靭帯断裂
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 手根管症候群
talisman お守り
amulet お守り
goose pimples 鳥肌
Ward off evil spirits 悪霊を追い払う
get rid of an evil spirit
remove evil spirits
53)cultivate = till(古)耕す / plow (鋤で耕す)
compost 堆肥
52)be very busy with
be swamped with
be slammed with
be tied up with ~で超多忙
my area of expertise 自分の専門分野
※I'm afraid that's not my area of expertise. 残念ながらそれは門外漢です。
51)We have to prioritize quality over quantity. 量より質を優先
sedation 鎮静
sedative 鎮静剤
hallucinate 幻覚
hallucination 幻覚
anesthesia 麻酔
congenital 先天性
acquired 後天性
schizophrenia 統合失調症
babbling 喃語
50) a matter of ~ ~の問題
a matter of life and (or) death 死活問題
a matter of opinion 見解の別れる問題
a matter of taste 好みの問題
(just) a matter of time (まさに)時間の問題
It's only ( just ) a matter of time before (until ) he is arrested.
49)映画「Harry Potter」 より
wandlore folklore
hissing and whispering faintly
be hacked off
48)I always try to spark students' interest in English. 興味を掻き立てる
He must know the place like the back of his hand. 熟知している
Don't push yourself so much. It would be best if you cleared your mind.
If you don't listen to your body, you're going to get sick.
47)sleep apnea 睡眠時無呼吸症
Back in the day, I suffered from sleep apnea. I got over the disease by losing my weight.
46)Can I pay in cash?
Can I pay by credit card?
They sell that product at cost ( at price).
45)Shingles can reactivate once we experience catching chickenpox, especially when our immune system is getting weak.
mumps おたふくかぜ
whooping cough 百日咳
tuberculosis 結核
44)shingles virus
⇒The virus is related to chickenpox.
You absolutely have to have had.
The Philippine government has announced a state of calamity.
43)anti rabies
neuter and spay =remove reproduction ability
back out = retreat = withdraw
turn down their offer
tailor students' preference
42)Whether you succeed or not is less important than doing your best.
41)I always try to sit upright in my chair. まっすぐ座る
40)There’s a thin line between bravery and stupidity. 紙一重
39)We escaped being hit by a car by the skin of the tooth. あやうく~しそうに
=We narrowly escaped being hit by a car.
38)*medical term
mucus 粘液
phlegm 痰
gout 痛風
pimple にきび
37)The upcoming event will have about ten attendees, but there could be a lot more. We'll have to play it by ear.
*play it(something) by ear 臨機応変に
36)A dog's barking through midnight on that day got my nerves.
Her harsh comment about his cooking got on his nerves.
35)*gather momentum
*gather pace
・Demand for automatic translation tools will gather pace.
・Demand for automatic translation machines will gather momentum.
・It seems that this trend will gather momentum in the time ahead.
・There are signs that this trend will accelerate in the coming years.
*I'm all ears.
・Interesting proposition! I'm all ears.
・That's quite an intriguing idea. I'm definitely interested in learning more about your vision.
・I appreciate your initiative in exploring a new avenue for our services. I'm eager to hear more about your thoughts.
・I'm impressed by your forward-thinking approach. I'm keen to delve deeper into the possibilities. *delve deeper into sth 何かをさらに深く掘り下げる
・Thank you for bringing this project to the table. I'm curious to hear more about your strategy.
*food intolerance
*narrow space phobia
34)very good = excellent
very beautiful = stunning
very clever = brilliant
very neat = immaculate
very bad = terrible
very angry = furious
very noisy = boisterous
very tired = exhausted
very hungry = starving
very cold = freezing
very dirty = squalid
very afraid = terrified
very ugly = hideous
very funny = hilarious
very easy = effortless
very important = crucial
very quick = rapid
very small = tiny
33)The dishes the hole-in-the-wall restaurant serves are the best in this area, bar none.
32)There’s nothing like hanging out with my friends.
31)That's the price you pay for success. 「それは成功のために支払う対価だ。」
Making efforts as much as possible is the price you pay for success.
That's how it all started. 「それがきっかけだった。」
30)anemia 貧血(症)
insomnia 不眠症
epilepsy てんかん
migraine 片頭痛
hyper tension = high blood pressure 高血圧症
stroke 脳卒中
cardiovascular 心臓血管の
respiratory 呼吸の → respiratory system 呼吸器系
dehydration 脱水状態 → suffer from dehydration 脱水状態になる
29)penitent 悔い改めた
Holly Grail 聖杯
fang 牙(蛇その他肉食動物)
tusk 牙(象・マンモス)
ivory 象牙
horn 角(鹿・羊・ヤギその他)
28)The sign on the wall says, "All drinks are free today.”
The countryside gives me joy.
The countryside brings me joy.
Living in the countryside is less stressful for me than in urban areas.
We take it for granted that food is always available in Japan.
27)I caught a cold.
I came down with measles when I was a kid.
I have a runny nose.
I have a stuffy nose.
I have a sore throat.
I have a fever.
I have a headache/ stomachache / (low) backache / toothache
I feel dizzy.
I feel nauseous.
26)I always wear glasses because of myopia and presbyopia.
I'm nearsighted and farsighted.
※hyperopia 遠視
myopia 近視
presbyopia 老眼
cataract 白内障
glaucoma 緑内障
conjunctivitis 結膜炎
eyedrops 目薬
25)Throwing cigarette butts away is not allowed by law in some areas of Japan.
In some regions of Japan, it is illegal to throw away cigarette butts.
In some areas of Japan, it is illegal to throw away cigarette butts.
In some districts of Japan, littering butts is prohibited by law. ポイ捨ては駄目
24)I don't see eye to eye with my boss on each subject. 意見が合わない
23)She wants to draw 4-panel manga one day. 4コマ漫画
22)Such silly behavior can add fuel to the fire.
His sarcastic comment at the conference added fuel to the fire. 悪化させる
21)I need to expand my vocabulary to express myself in English further.
20)They always accompany each other everywhere.
19)He exaggerates even tiny things, so you should take it with a pinch of salt when he talks.
18)We started arguing about tiny things but ended up in a shouting match. It got me exhausted.
We argued over something trivial but ended up in a shouting match.
17)We go through ups and downs in life, but we should look forward because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 人生山あり谷あり、苦難の先の光明
16)We were so disappointed that the food served at that restaurant was a far cry from the reputation on the Internet. かけ離れている
15)I'm feeling a craving for something sweet. 甘いものが食べたい気分
=I'm craving for something sweet.
14)I'm chuffed. =very satisfied/ very delighted (英)
13)I feel peckish. 小腹がすいた(英)
12)Raising employees' salaries can boost their motivation to work harder.
11) We sometimes add condiments to dishes to enhance the taste or flavor.
10)I used to have opportunities to meet people from all walks of life. いろいろな経歴の人に出会う機会がありました。
9) It's not a big deal. 大したことじゃないよ。= It's no big deal.
8) I am snowed under with backlogs of my work. 仕事に追われている(忙殺されている)
7) This is not the case in my hometown. これは故郷にはあてあまらない。
6) She squeezed juice from an orange. 絞り出す
5) She sprinkled the cake with sugar. = She sprinkled sugar on the cake. ふりかける
4) Butter is an ingredient of the cake. 材料の1つ
3) I seasoned soup with salt. (season A with B AにBで味付けする)
2) You need to pay the admission fee to the museum. curator:学芸員
1) She sometimes lavished enormous sums of money on dress.
I root for those who try to make significant efforts for everything with a
positive mind.
The Internet has been the best thing since sliced bread, allowing us to take lessons online like Hapa.
I’m wondering what’s with the current weather. The high and the low fluctuate so severely that many seem in bad shape.
One of the ways to relieve my stress is to get a kick out of binge-watching my favorite TV series.
A: How was your third vaccination?
B: How could I forget? It was a terrible nightmare for me.
I suffered from side effects such as a high fever for two days. I hardly ate anything, let alone drank alcohol. That’s why I’m still on the fence about
whether I should take the fourth shot or not.
I’m all about improving my English skills to become a tour guide for foreigners.
We negotiated with our employer over our wages, but it didn’t play out better than we had expected.
The most interesting thing I learned this week was that former President Barack Obama felt free to converse with Jimmy Kimmel like ordinary people and seemed to enjoy it. It was a far cry from my image of him in his administration. Therefore, the video has convinced me that he’s still very popular.
A: How do you like Hapa School?school
B: What’s not to love?
It’s one of the most outstanding schools on the globe. They give us a lot of opportunities to improve our English skills. On top of that,
the staff staffsis splendid. I’m over the moon when I acquire new expressions while taking its courses.
During the pandemic, I’ve tried to stay grounded by doing something good for myself, such as honing my English skills by taking online lessons. Thanks to it, I live a peaceful life. But unfortunately, the level of my English is still out of shape, so I don’t know how I feel about having conversations with foreigners in person now.
A: He’s always full of beans, but he seems down today. I’m wondering why. Do you know anything about it?
B: Rumor has it that he broke up with his girlfriend yesterday.
A: It might be good to let him be for the time being if the rumor is true.
A: This is between you and me. I heard that one of our colleagues was
arrested for embezzlement yesterday. Our company has not announced it formally yet, though.
B: Actually, I can easily guess who.
I was half-expecting the guy to do such a silly thing because he’s always having money trouble.
I’m a big fan of “The Beatles.” I think “Let it Be” is one of the best songs and still has an
enduring attraction. It brings back memories of my youth vividly whenever I listen to it. Moreover, getting the song’s backstory this time has allowed
me to enjoy listening to it from a different perspective.
Japan experiences several typhoons every year. Some make landfall to cause extensive damage, so it might be a good idea to batten down using hazard maps beforehand.
YouTubers try to make their videos go viral and get many followers. But unfortunately, the reality is that some of them can’t make it.
I have no idea when the Ukraine War will come to an end. That’s because it seems complicated for Ukraine and Russia to solve this issue peacefully so far. The war
has already been having an extensively negative impact on the
worldwide economy.playing
All we can do is pick someone’s brain to address this economic
Like other anime and movie industries, our company has suffered from numerous bootlegs of our products. They’ve reduced our gross sales. This trend would continue without any practical measures. I’d like you to give suggestions to us to address the issue. By all means, if you have any, fire away.
It seems like it has become more and more difficult for us to make ends meet recently, so we are not hot on getting new products. I reckon most companies have struggled to rev up the market. Without immediate measures by the government against the current economic situation, the Japanese economy would increasingly shrink, leading to a negative spiral.
Judging from Dr. Fauci’s comments, it feels like human beings don’t have any
possibility of eradicating COVID-19 for a while. So living with this
infectious disease is inevitable for all of us. The problem is that we have to get vaccinated frequently and that vaccines against the coronavirus sometimes cause side
effects, such as a high fever.
The Internet gives us excellent opportunities to take English lessons
online. It’s the best thing since sliced bread. I
remember I was over the moon when I managed to communicate with foreigners using English for the first time.
Also, the Internet helps me use new expressions like “root for,” “make landfall,”
and “go viral” during lessons. What’s not to love?
One of the tips to stay grounded is to get a kick out of doing something interesting.
Also, it might be better to pick someone’s brain when we are in trouble. Then,
eventually, we might feel like even the worst thing is coming to an end.
What’s with that TV program lately? It’s gotten so boring. It’s not my thing!
According to my acquaintances, the authorities crack down on illegal sales. It feels
like the
world around us is full of bootleg products, such as the famous song, are“Let It Be‘..” How could I forget? When I first took lessons online, I didn’t catch what the tutors were talking about, let alone speak English confidently. Their words were
gibberish to me.
A: What’s with you? You seem down today.
B: Between you and me, I quit the company because I was not hot on the idea of getting transferred to the Tokyo branch.
A: I was half-expecting you to do so because you always said you were all about living in a cozy place rich in nature.
I can’t believe half of the Fall Session has come to an end already. Time flies like an arrow! I’m over the moon because I’ve got many opportunities to meet new phrases. However, the problem is some words don’t allow me to evoke core images to retain them for a long time. Having said that, I’ll still work on it.
Some pharmaceutical companies in my hometown have come under fire for breaking the rules of
producing medicines for years. They’ve betrayed our trust in a heartbeat. I
think it might take time to regain their reputations.
I’m planning to buy a brandreputation-new iPod to enjoy watching Netflix, but, to be honest, I can’t afford to get a top-of-the-line one.
In the past, some ministers’ repeated inappropriate remarks about political issues created a backlash from many citizens, leading
to the Cabinet’s approval rating plummeting. I think their inappropriate comments about them (不要)were telling of
the characteristic of the regime in those days. Many politicians made considerable efforts to improve our country then, though.
about them
My daily life was a whirlwind while I was a permanent worker. I didn’t have a work-life balance. However, since I retired, I’ve
had a lot of opportunities to meet people from all walks of life by joining many activities. Interacting with them has broadened my horizons. I feel like
I have → am having the time of my life at the moment.
It feels like the situation of the Ukraine war has been getting worse and
worse lately.
The number of casualties due to the war has been increasing daily. Therefore, I believe Ukraine and Russia should negotiate a ceasefire as soon as possible
before things get out of hand. There is nothing more invaluable than peace!
I’m curious about a new public toilet in San Fransico. If we have the same in Japan, it would never fail to cause a severe backlash. However, I think it’s worth a shot if even such a ridiculous thing could attract many people to gather around because it might have an economically positive impact on a city.
As is often the case with troubles in auction sites, some people argue
that the articles they purchased are not anything like the pictures the sellers posted.
In my case, I bought some products I didn’t recognize at a glance as imitations. But then, I was disappointed to realize
they were made out of entirely different materials.
A: We must wrap up the work right now, or we’ll miss the last train.
The deadline for the task assigned to us is coming soon, though.
B: Funny you should say that. I’m thinking the same. There is nothing worse than missing the last one. I don’t want to take a taxi because it costs me a
A: My mind always goes blank when I take→have an interview. Could you show me the secret to getting over the situation?take
B: Whenever I’m panicking, I play it off like I’m thinking about something earnestly, inhaling deeply to relax. Please don’t panic, even if your heart is palpitating. Break a leg! I
know you can do it.
Many medical workers in two hospitals have been our rock and helping my son get
over the → an intractable disease since day
one. He has had a tough time since he was born. He underwent two extensive surgeries, one of which was a living-donor liver transplantation. We appreciate the medical workers there because my son
can not live without them.
I’m so moved. Unlike the three previous episodes I watched this week, her expressions have been quite different since day one. However, all her comments are full of grateful words to two executive producers. I have no doubt her way of conveying them is heartwarming. I hope a new segment on her YouTube channel will be a great success.
It feels like winter is just around the corner. I have to gear up for snowfall, such as changing my car’s tires and setting the pillars to support trees and plants in my backyard. Unfortunately, the clinic where I have a regular checkup is about thirty kilometers away from my house. Therefore, I should drive more carefully.
A: The task assigned to our team is running behind schedule, and we
won’t make it to the deadline. So, we’re at a loss!
B: I recommend you ask Mr. X for advice(移動), who has experienced twists and turns in this company, for advice. He’s
said to be a living dictionary here because he’s familiar with the ins and outs of everything.
for advice
The year-end party in our company will become significant for every employee because the president and all the board members are supposed to attend it. So my coworker in charge of the party wants to know their ETA because they need time beforehand to cover up everything that can make them angry. Do you have any info about it?
We take electricity for granted. But imagine what if we didn’t have it the other way around. Since almost everything in our daily life counts on electricity, without it, we might have to return to primitive lives. So, it would be better for us not to use electricity too much but use it adequately. Let’s save electricity as much as possible!
We take electricity for granted. But imagine what if we didn’t have it the other way around. Since almost everything in our daily life counts on electricity,
without it, we might have to return to primitive lives. So, it would be better for us not to use electricity too much but to use it sparingly. Let’s save electricity as much as possible!
I empathized with Trevor Noah’s comment, “I think everybody has gone through a period of looking at their lives.” In my 40s, I quit the company I worked for many years because I didn’t have a work-life balance. Then, I realized I was not satisfied with my life. So, I started my own business, and it’s going well now.
I empathized with Trevor Noah’s comment, “I think everybody has gone through a period of
looking at their lives.” In my 40s, I quit the company I worked at for many years because I didn’t have a work-life balance. Then, I realized I was not satisfied with my life. So I started my own business, and it’s going well now.
In the past, the local government in my hometown came under fire for constructing its office building made out of top-of-the-line materials. And now, they are gearing up to demolish that building used for ages because it doesn’t t fit the earthquake resistance standards. The new one is supposed not to be anything like the old one.
Posting English sentences in this corner early in the morning may be telling of my unusual lifestyle. I’m a night owl retiring to bed at four a.m. daily. Unfortunately, it’s almost five a.m., so I have to wrap up yesterday’s assignments from HAPA as early as possible. Honestly, I’m running behind schedule because of the hectic work.
Posting English sentences in this corner early in the morning may be telling of my unusual
lifestyle. I’m a night owl, retiring to bed at four a.m. daily. Unfortunately, it’s almost five a.m., so I have to wrap up yesterday’s
assignments from Hapa as early as possible. Honestly,
I’m running behind schedule because of the hectic work.
My daily life has become a whirlwind since I took this course. However, I’ve tried to keep up with this course to learn English almost daily. Thanks to Hapa’s staff, I’ve had the time of my life. And now, I realize it can make a big difference whether or not I make even a little effort every day.
In my opinion, there is nothing more crucial than reviewing new vocabulary as much as possible to improve our English. Without doing so, it’s starting to get out of hand, and we can’t retain it before long. According to the mentors who are my Rock, those who know tons of expressions have been reviewing it since day one.
In my opinion, there is nothing more crucial than reviewing new vocabulary as much as possible
to improve our English. Without doing so, it’ll sstart to get out of hand, and we
can’t retain it startingfor long. According to the mentors who are my beforerock, those who know tons of expressions have been reviewing it since day one.
To Mr. Jun
I feel like you’ve tried to use as many colloquial expressions as possible for
us everywhere in this course. Thank you so much.
To Mr. Steve
I’m grateful you’ve touched up tons of our English sentences. I’ve
found the weak points in my English skills.
I’ll try to keep the suggestions of the two of you in mind.